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  • How to create a social media calendar with ChatGPT

How to create a social media calendar with ChatGPT

Use AI to help you create a winning social media strategy

Some people love it, some endure it, and some hate it but use it anyway. It doesn’t matter which camp you are in. I am sure you would agree that a social media presence is important for your business.

Today I will cover the steps and prompts to use to get a social media calendar from ChatGPT.

Let’s get social. 💃

Thank you to our sponsor, Otter AI

Otter AI is my go-to meeting transcribing buddy. You can invite Otter to join your meetings or upload a recording after the fact, and it will transcribe the meeting for you.

For those still in school or attending lectures, you can have Otter listen in to a lecture and transcribe the whole thing for you.

Once the transcription is done, it has a pretty neat feature that uses AI to summarize the transcription and highlights key points from the meeting or lecture.

🤨 Is social media important tho?

Umm, yes! There are several reasons to be on social. Depending on your goals, your industry, strategy, etc. you may have a different approach to social (and how deep you go), but not being present at all makes your business look out-of-touch or unapproachable.

Here are the top reasons to be on social:

  1. Brand Awareness

  2. Customer Engagement

  3. Reputation Management*

  4. Market Insights

  5. Customer Support*

  6. Build Trust

  7. SEO Rankings

  8. Lead or Sales Generation

*The reason I marked 3 and 5 is that even if you are not proactively posting on social, chances are your customers are, and they will talk about you or look for support on social. You best be around so you can manage your reputation and respond.

For our purpose today, the important part of the list above is for you to know which of these goals you want to achieve with social. We are going to use that in our prompt coming up.

🏆 Well-crafted AI prompt for a social media calendar

The other parts you need before sending your prompt to ChatGPT (or Bard or Claude) are the following:

  1. A little knowledge about your audience

  2. Brand voice (are you trying to be professional, authoritative, funny, etc.)

  3. The content type you are comfortable with or have the ability to produce (videos, images, text only)

🏁 Example prompt to use for a social media calendar

Armed with your goals and the info above you can now ask ChatGPT for help with this prompt:

Generate a creative social media content calendar for the next month.

My goal is to do the bare minimum and just be able to manage my reputation online and help my customers if they need help. But it would be nice to get some SEO boost since most of my clients come from either word of mouth or through my website.

My business is a consulting business that helps private clinics run better operationally and help them increase their revenues. My clients are either doctors that run their own practice or clinic managers hired by doctors to help them run the business.

My voice should come across as friendly but authoritative in the space. I can only write text for now, and I am not ready to do videos or post images.

The result:

Social Media Content Calendar: Consulting Business for Private Clinics

Week 1
Monday: LinkedIn Post
Content: Introduction to your consultancy services, emphasizing the friendly yet authoritative tone.
Caption: “Helping clinics run better, one operation at a time. Welcome to a new week of growth and improvement! 🚀 #HealthcareConsulting #OperationalExcellence”

Wednesday: LinkedIn Post
Content: Discuss one common operational challenge clinics face and how you help resolve it.
Caption: “Navigating through common hurdles in clinic operations. Let's unpack [Challenge] today. #HealthcareSolutions #ClinicManagement”

Friday: Facebook Post
Content: Highlight the importance of efficient clinic management for better patient care.
Caption: “The key to great patient care? Efficient clinic management. #HealthcareManagement #PatientCare”

Week 2
Monday: LinkedIn Post
Content: Discuss how improved operations can enhance revenue streams.
Caption: “Operational efficiency isn't just about cutting costs—it's a revenue growth strategy. #RevenueGrowth #HealthcareConsulting”


What’s really impressive here is that based on the parameters I gave ChatGPT in my prompt, it made a few decisions:

  1. It excluded Twitter, probably because it’s fast-paced and requires more frequent posting.

  2. It excluded Tik Tok and Instagram, most likely because they are visual and not text-based.

  3. It limited the number of weekly posts since my prompt said to do the bare minimum.

  4. It prioritized LinkedIn because office managers and doctors running their own clinics are most likely there.

  5. It gave templates to use to give your posts an authoritative feel.

The key takeaway is to take the time to give ChatGPT more context and guidelines to work with to get better responses!

Try it, and tag me or GPT Hacks on your posts. I would be happy to engage and reshare your content.

🛠️ Tools to crush your goals

Some of these links are sponsored or affiliate links.

  • Moosend - email and marketing automation tool with some really clever out-of-the-box flows like an abandoned cart sequence.

  • Reply.io - AI-powered sales engagement platform that creates new opportunities for you at scale - automatically.

  • Roosted - great tool for those with hourly employees, helps you schedule and pay them with ease.

📣 For more AI tools and plugins, take a look at the GPT Hacks AI Tools Directory (with 500+ tools and plugins).

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