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  • Why ChatGPT Works for Everyone Else (and How to Finally Make It Work for You)

Why ChatGPT Works for Everyone Else (and How to Finally Make It Work for You)

If you're a skeptic, this post is for you. Let's dig into how YOU can use ChatGPT for your specific work.

When it finally “clicks” for YOUR workflow.

AI use has skyrocketed but I still meet people who are not using it in their everyday work. The most common reason I get is:

Well, I tried it and it’s great but there is nothing I am doing right now that it can help me with.

If that sounds familiar, this article is for you. Today we are going to share:

  1. How ChatGPT can benefit your work today 🤖 

  2. GPT Hacks articles that give you actionable ideas 📖 

🤖 How ChatGPT Can Benefit Your Work Today

Literally, ask ChatGPT how people or startups in your industry use ChatGPT. Try this prompt:

How can lawyers use ChatGPT?


Lawyers can use AI language models like ChatGPT in a variety of ways to enhance their practice, research, and client services. Here are a few examples:

Legal Research: Attorneys can ask ChatGPT to provide an overview or detailed information about legal principles, cases, statutes, and other legal topics. While this doesn't replace comprehensive legal research tools, it can help to streamline initial inquiries or provide context.

Drafting Documents: ChatGPT can be used to help draft legal documents, such as contracts, wills, or pleadings. Lawyers might provide an outline or key points, and then ask ChatGPT to generate a draft document. This draft would need to be reviewed and edited by the lawyer, but it could save time in the drafting process.

Reviewing Documents: AI tools could potentially assist in reviewing and understanding complex legal documents. A lawyer could ask questions about the document to help identify key terms, provisions, or potential legal issues.

Client Communication: ChatGPT could be used to help lawyers communicate with their clients, especially for routine or standard inquiries. For example, a lawyer could use ChatGPT to draft emails, letters, or other communications.

Legal Education and Training: ChatGPT can be used as a tool for legal education and training, providing information, examples, and practice scenarios to law students and junior lawyers.

Due Diligence: In corporate law, AI can assist in performing due diligence by identifying key information and potential risks in contracts, financial documents, and other materials.

Case Predictions: While this application is still in its nascent stage, AI could potentially help predict case outcomes based on legal principles and precedents.

It's important to remember that while AI can enhance legal practice in these ways, it doesn't replace the need for human lawyers. The interpretation and application of law requires human judgement, ethics, and the understanding of complex societal context. AI can help with the "legwork" and rote tasks, but the critical decision-making and strategic planning still require human expertise.

Also, AI tools must be used responsibly, ensuring privacy, confidentiality, and following all legal and ethical guidelines for practicing law. For instance, clients should always be informed if AI tools are being used in their legal matters.

That will give you a pretty good starting point. However, you can get even better ideas and results by customizing the prompt with more context about what you do. For example:

How do intellectual property lawyers in California use ChatGPT for tasks such as legal research, drafting patent applications, handling trademark disputes, or communicating with clients?


AI language models like ChatGPT have the potential to be used in various ways by intellectual property lawyers. However, it's essential to keep in mind that while these AI models can be highly valuable tools, they don't replace the need for human expertise, judgment, and ethical conduct. Below are a few ways IP lawyers in California might leverage ChatGPT.

Legal Research: AI can be used to parse through large amounts of legal documents, court case transcripts, and legal articles to find relevant information. A lawyer might ask the AI to summarize the key points of a case, find similar cases, or explain a complex legal concept.

Drafting Patent Applications: The process of drafting a patent application requires describing an invention in a detailed and technically precise manner. ChatGPT can help by generating initial drafts based on descriptions provided by the attorney or client, pointing out potential areas of ambiguity or lack of detail, and providing examples of similar patent language based on its training data.

Handling Trademark Disputes: ChatGPT can help lawyers analyze trademark disputes by summarizing key case laws and precedents, generating overviews of arguments used in similar cases, and creating initial drafts of legal documents, such as cease and desist letters or opposition filings.

Communicating with Clients: Lawyers often need to explain complex legal concepts to their clients. ChatGPT could help by generating simple, non-technical explanations of these concepts, or drafting initial versions of letters or emails to clients.

Automation and Efficiency: More generally, AI tools can automate certain repetitive tasks in law practice. This not only saves time but also allows lawyers to focus on strategic and complex tasks that require human judgment.

Training and Education: As an AI language model, ChatGPT can help train junior lawyers or law students by providing them with information, explanations, and summaries of legal concepts or cases.

However, it's important to remember that AI is a tool and should not be the sole decision-maker in any legal process. All outputs need to be reviewed and approved by a human lawyer to ensure accuracy, context-sensitivity, and ethical compliance. Plus, as of my knowledge cut-off in September 2021, laws regarding the use of AI in legal practice may vary and evolve, so it's important for practitioners to stay updated on the legal and ethical considerations.

The results are pretty similar but more customized to meet the specific industry versus being more generic.

👉 True Story 👈 We had the chance to speak with three different lawyers on this topic. One lawyer found it challenging to see how ChatGPT could benefit her workflow - she tried it but didn’t use it regularly.

However, the other two lawyers shared how ChatGPT completely transformed their day-to-day operations. For them, AI proved to be a significant time-saver, handling mundane tasks and granting them the freedom to focus on more strategic aspects of their work. One lawyer even encouraged his paralegal to explore creative ways to optimize efficiency through AI, encouraging her to engage in more strategic (and interesting) activities too.

📖 Past GPT Hacks articles that can give you ideas

At GPT Hacks, we've covered various use cases for AI systems like ChatGPT and Bard that are specific for startup founders and entrepreneurs. These real-world examples are designed to help you tap into the immense potential of advanced technologies to move your business forward. Most of these come from our own personal experiences too.

We recommend checking out these full articles:

  • 77 things you can do with ChatGPT: Check out ways to use ChatGPT that you haven’t thought of before. Categorize by function: Writing, Editing, Ideation, Brainstorming, Learning, Research, Business, Education, Instruction, Product, UX, Customer Service, Marketing, and more.

  • Generate a Unicorn Startup Idea 🦄 : Step-by-step guide with prompts and an example to come up with a new startup (or business or product) idea.

  • Use ChatGPT for Keyword Research and SEO: ChatGPT (and Bard) can help you cut time and wasted marketing dollars by helping you with your keyword research and SEO for your site.

  • AI in Marketing: ChatGPT for Brochure Crafting 🚀: Selling a product, service, book, or event? You might need to put together a physical or digital brochure. Either way, AI can help you.

  • How to Create a Startup Pitch Deck with ChatGPT 🚀: Outlines the steps to create a pitch deck for a startup but the prompts also apply to any presentation you are putting together.

  • Use ChatGPT to Create Engaging Surveys: Need to understand your users better? Looking for customer service feedback? Whatever the case, take a look at this article to learn how you can use AI to create engaging surveys.

  • Use ChatGPT to Craft Your Brand Story: Whether for an “about us” page, landing page, or social media, use AI to help you craft a winning brand narrative.

  • Maximize Your Content ROI 🚀: Repurpose with ChatGPT - AI can help you plow through your content calendar by helping you create countless pieces based on one long-from article.

I hope this gives you enough to get started today. If you are still not sure where to start, reply to the newsletter or comment on the post online. We’ll respond. Happy to help!

🛠️ AI tools and resources

  • Deeto - Connect your prospects with your top customers across the sale-cycle and close more deals faster.

  • CollovGPT - upload a product photo to create a photo shoot of various product placements.

  • Writesonic - on-brand AI writer.

  • Sivi - text to editable banners, ads, and other marketing images

  • RestoGPT - use AI to create an online ordering storefront for your restaurant.

📣 For more AI tools and plugins, take a look at the GPT Hacks AI Tools Directory (with 400+ tools) and ChatGPT Plugins Directory (with 120+ AI plugins).

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